A couple of my favorite personal projects.

This summer, I learned about the trifecta that is React, Next.js, and TailwindCSS. I haven't looked back since!

  • YOUphoria: A comprehensive sex education app for teens

    YOUphoria is built with Flutter and Firebase Authentication for seamless user experience and secure data handling. Google Maps API provides location-based resources, and ChatGPT API is leveraged to create an inclusive, age-appropriate AI chatbot, addressing teens' nuanced questions with personalized responses.


  • Tailwind Animation Exploration

    Leveraging Tailwind CSS, this captivating one-page project showcases mesmerizing animations and innovative blend modes for striking color and movement


  • Girls Who Code TXST

    I've created the entire structure of our Girls Who Code chapter, including our website! It utilizes Stripe's API to accept donations that fund our events and activities.


  • Java vs. C++

    Creating an ad-free website that highlights the syntax differences between Java and C++ to benefit the curriculum of my Object Oriented Programming class.
