I love to share the joy of STEM+C

If you are looking for your next guest speaker, I'm your girl! I am passionate about women in STEM+C, living life for the adventure, and navigating college as a non-traditional student.

Texas State University

Life as a First-Gen and Non-Traditional Student

TSU Common Experience

My journey navigating young adulthood, finding the way back to academia, and discovering a passion for leadership along the way.

(Re)visiting First Generation Students Experiences in STEM Panelist

TSU Professional Development Series

A discussion on attending a Hispanic Serving Intitution, the significance of our cultural backgrounds, and how it relates to our experiences in the classroom.

Counter-Life Herstories Conference Guest Speaker

TSU Conference

Event with nearly 500 K-12 students, illuminating hidden truths about women and girls of color in STEM+C professions.

Cohost for The Future of Technology is Human with Dr. Deb Donig

TSU Common Experience

The vision of a better world is at the heart of technological innovation. How can we take back a vision of technological production so that it more truly and equitably aligns with human values?